Contains gifted products. All words and opinions are my own.
Everyday is a Special day
When you have kids, you suddenly realize how fast time actually passes. You would think that you would know, but you actually don’t until you see it right in front of you. Just these first 7 month I have seen a change in Carla’s development everyday and it is wonderful and scary at the same time. It makes me want to document everything, just in case I forget something. Special day is a small Danish company, who makes precious books and cards, to make sure you remember all those small and very special moments.
I bought the “My first year” book, but they have also made a version for the grandparents. We gave one each to Carla’s grandma and grandpa and told them that it was a gift that they had to return at some point. When, is up to them. In the book, they have to fill out the story of how they met, their travels, small and funny stories from their life and good advice that they want to pass on to Carla. I thought it was such a nice little thing for them to do for her. Maybe she gets the books returned when she is 8 or 18. Who knows? It is up to them, when that special day will come.
DK: Når du får børn, bliver du pludselig meget bevidst om hvor hurtigt tiden går. Det kan godt være du syntes den også gik hurtigt inden, men når du får børn, har du et fysisk bevis foran dig. Bare de seneste 7 måneder, har jeg set ændringer i Carlas udvikling, dag for dag. Det er fantastisk og en smule skræmmende på samme tid. Jeg får lyst til at dokumentere alt, i tilfælde af at jeg skulle glemme noget. Special day er et dansk firma der laver de mest magiske bøger, hvor du kan dokumentere alle de helt specielle øjeblikke, både i skrift og billeder.
Jeg har købt bogen “Mine første år”, men de har også lavet nogle fine bøger til bedsteforældrene. Vi gav en hver til Carlas Farmor og Farfar og fortalte dem at det var en gave der skulle returneres. Hvornår, er helt op til dem. I bogen har de mulighed for at fortælle hvordan de mødtes, om deres rejser, sjove historier og gode råd om livet de gerne vil videregive til Carla. Jeg syntes det var sådan en fin ting for dem at udfylde og for Carla at få. Måske får hun den når hun er 8 eller 18, hvem ved? Det er helt op til dem, hvornår den “Special Day” skal være.
Photo and styling by Caroline Birk Bahrenscheer
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