Horizon Wall Art

Lisa, the owner of Sonadora lives her life by her dreams and she has always been passionate about her work in Interior Design but most of all she loves being able to make her sketches and daydreams come to life in the form of her Sonadora Collection. Soñadora is Spanish for “Dreamer”. Each piece is something she herself enjoyed and have a need for. They’ve all been test driven in the studio and in her home months (and sometimes years!) before they ever hit Etsy. I have followed her for a few years now. This is one of my favourite pieces at the moment. It would be such a beauty to have on the wall above my bed. The lines are calming and graphic at the same time. Her Metal Ladder is also one of my favorites but she is a designer who landed right in my heart, so the list is long…

Check out her inspiring Instagram here.

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