In collaboration with Designtorget


Classic and neutral travel essentials for the modern traveller

July is the biggest travle month of the year. Offices closes and restaurant opens all over the city. The sunny weather allows small pop up shops to blossom and I find myself spending as much time outdoor as I can. Vacation can be many things and you don’t need to book a plain ticket to get into that vacation mode, that we all long for. I might go discovering my own city this summer or maybe Malmö, as it is only a 1 hour train ride away. I feel like Sweden is a country that can do everything. The have huge artists, fashion and most of all – design.  I found these classic and neutral travel essentials at Designtorget.


Designtorget is a chain of 11 stores all over Sweden. And for me, it is always a must visit as they have a very nice curated selection of designer brands. They also offer their own exclusive leather collection that consist of small travel essentials and bags for the modern traveller.


 Classic and neutral travel essentials


This tote bag is such a classic and has been made for many years but never really goes out of style. If you take good care of it, it is an investment for life and I like the fact that you can fit a MacBook in it. It is available in black and neutral. The neutral will change color over time as you use it. Shop it here.


Classic and neutral travel essentials

 Classic and neutral travel essentials

 Classic and neutral travel essentials


After loosing my suitcase once in Marrakech, I never travel without a luggage tag. You just never know if some picks up your suitcase by mistake. A travle journal to jut down ideas, this one is from Notem and of course my passport.


 Classic and neutral travel essentials


I also use a cord holder as my earphones tend tangle up in my bag. This way they are easy to find and they don’t tangle up in my keys. Shop the whole collection on their webshop or find a store near you.


 Classic and neutral travel essentials

 Classic and neutral travel essentials

 Classic and neutral travel essentials

Photos by @septemberedit

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