To a new year
The last 10 days has gone by so fast but they always do. 2017 was the year I became a mother, one of the greatest experiences in life. I stepped out of my (very pregnant) comfort zone and had my talented friend Alona, take pictures of my belly. She took this photo among others and I know that I will be so happy to have the memories. Experiencing a pregnancy is tough and wonderful at the same time.
I feel very blessed that we have such good conditions in Denmark when it comes to family life. I am enjoying every single day on maternity leave, because I know it is only borrowed time and soon work calls and I won’t be able to spend the day taking long walks or wearing my pajamas all day.
2017 was also a year where I got to work with some great brands, big and small, national and international. IKEA, Muuto and Bang & Olufsen amongst others. I have always loved a new challenge and developing content is one of my passions that I hope to do more of in the new year. I reached 20.000 followers, a number I still don’y quite understand. Even though Instagram has changed a lot the last few years, I still find joy in the community that I have gained. Having new friends from all over the world, that share the same passion as yourself, is wonderful.
I was interviewed about my trend forecasting for Alt Interiør and my Instagram was featured in Rum Hemma, amongst others. I really appreciate getting the opportunity to share my work with new people. Thank you!
2018 will be the year where we will celebrate the name of my daughter. I will travel to Milan for the first time, a city I have wanted to visit forever. Me and my family will travel to Sri Lanka for four weeks and later Spain, where we spend every summer in our summer house. These are just the travels we have planned but I am hoping for many more. Every time I travel I discover something new about the world and myself. One thing I am sure about becoming a parent, is that I want my children to see the world, it is a big priority.
I am grateful for the year that has passed and even more for the year to come. I can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store for me.
photo © Caroline Birk Bahrenscheer