News from H&M Home / A pink dream
Having two bathrooms I often find my self wanting to redecorate one of them. The guest bathroom is obviously the easiest choice as it is the smallest one and we only have soap and towels. Having too girls on the house now (one is 11 and one is nearly 3 months) I’ve been wanting to make an all pink bathroom just for the fun of it. This pretty pink new home collection from H&M has made me think that this actually needs to happen. I like the way the soft pink tones is styled with a warmer beige and a darker burgundy, I think that’s what I am going for. Now, if I only had those huge windows…
First seen on A merry mishap
Styled by Lotta Agaton, art directed by Therese Sennerholt and photogpehaed by Heidi Lerkenfeldt for H&M.